Tamarack Water Alliance is a group of local residents and landowners working together with others from across Minnesota to protect water and community health through education. Specifically, we are concerned about the dangers of sulfide mining that threaten our beloved rivers, lakes and wild rice beds, at the headwaters of the Kettle River and the Mississippi River watershed.
A proposal by Talon Metals, a foreign owned entity, to build a high sulfide mining operation near Tamarack in Aitkin County threatens the health of our communities. This kind of sulfide mining, especially in water-rich environments, has never been done without severe impacts to water and to the health of those who live downstream. Mining here is also a threat to environmental justice and the long-term economic security of nearby native and rural communities.
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Arne Carlson's Talk on Sulfide Mining
Download Talon EAW Overview
Download Mine Concerns Presentation